Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms

To advertise on Stayclass, you must agree to the following terms and conditions. If you violate any of these terms and conditions, your listing(s) may be removed from the Stayclass website and you may be banned from advertising on it in the future. By using the services provided by Stayclass, advertisers and users agree to the terms and conditions as outlined. Continued use of the service constitutes acceptance of any changes or revisions to the terms and conditions.

Advertiser’s Responsibilities

When registering to advertise on this website, you agree not to misrepresent your identity. Please keep your registration data current. You can edit this information in your account under “Account Information.”

It is important for you to protect against unauthorized use of your username and password. Be sure to sign off and quit the browser when finished using a shared computer, and otherwise safeguard your password. Stayclass is not liable for any loss that you may suffer through the use of your password by others. Notify Stayclass immediately of any unauthorized use of your account, or of any other breach of security known to you with respect to Stayclass.

You are responsible for keeping your listing information current and accurate. You agree to hold Stayclass harmless against any losses or costs arising out of a claim based on the content of a listing.

Qualification of renters is the sole responsibility of the rental property owner, manager or agent. Stayclass is not a party to any agreement you may make with the users of this website.

You agree that in using the services of Stayclass you will not violate state or federal laws or violate the legal rights of others. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Stayclass, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees, advertisers or partners, from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the site, the material you supply to the site, the violation of these Terms and Conditions, or any other actions connected with the use of Stayclass services.

Responsibility for Tax Compliance

Advertisers are solely responsible for all tax compliance related to their listings and rental transactions. Advertisers must collect, report, and remit the correct taxes to the appropriate tax authority.

Listing restrictions

Each ad is sold for one property, except that you may advertise two or more properties on the same parcel, or on adjoining parcels. Once you create a listing you may not substitute in that listing another rental property or properties for the property or properties in the original listing. A rental agency listing for the entire rental agency office may update photos with current properties.

Content and Design

All photos and text submitted by advertisers are subject to review and approval by Stayclass. Stayclass may edit or change copy or photos supplied by advertisers as it sees fit. Stayclass reserves the right to change the design, functionality, content or any other aspect of the website without notice.

New listings, once paid for, will be reviewed and approved by Stayclass as soon as reasonably possible, in most cases within one to three business days.

You agree that all of the information in your listing on Stayclass is the property of Stayclass and is protected by US and international copyright laws.


Any photographs submitted to Stayclass may be retained by Stayclass as it sees fit. You must be the owner of the copyright to any photos you submit, or have secured the right to use them from the owner of the copyright, and you must be able to verify that any persons displayed in photographs have given permission to have their photos displayed online in your listing. The photos you provide must be accurate photos of the property being advertised, or the view from it. Stayclass reserves the right to remove any photographs it deems necessary.

Removal from the Website

Stayclass retains the right, at its sole discretion, to remove listings from the website due to excessive complaints from renters about a property, difficulty communicating or working with an advertiser, violation of these Terms and Conditions, or any other reason. To avoid the possibility of being removed, maintain and clean your property regularly. Accurate representation of the property through truthful descriptions and photos minimizes complaints.

No Refunds or Extensions

All listings are sold to run the full period that is chosen by the advertiser. Listings that are deactivated by you, or removed at your request or for violating these Terms and Conditions, prior to the completion of their full run, are not subject to a refund. Deactivation of an ad does not change the expiration date nor does it extend the ad upon reactivation.

Privacy Policy

As is standard practice on many Web sites, Stayclass uses “cookies” and other technologies to recognize you and provide personalization. We reserve the right to place a Stayclass cookie on your computer with a unique anonymous number during each session in which you have logged into the site.

Stayclass will not share, sell, rent, swap or authorize any third party to use your e-mail address without your permission. Stayclass reserves the right to send you e-mail relating to your listing or your account status. (If you do not want renewal notices, uncheck the automatic reminder box for your listing on the My Account page). Your listing will automatically stop appearing on the web within seven days of its expiration date, at which point your listing will lose its seniority in our system.

We store your personal information on a secure server, but will not share it with others without your permission. We do not store credit card numbers on any server of ours. All such information is processed through Stripe, our credit card processing partner.

While Stayclass takes robust steps to safeguard and to prevent unauthorized access to your information and registration data, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent unauthorized access to your private information.

In addition, you understand and agree that Stayclass may access, preserve, and disclose your personal information and the contents of your account if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process or protect the rights, property and/or safety of Stayclass, its affiliates or the public.

Liability Disclaimer

Stayclass and its service providers make no warranty that the service will meet your requirements, or that the services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or free of errors or omissions. Stayclass cannot be held liable for any damages, including lost profits, due to disrupted service, delays, or other problems with the website or the web in general.

Your use of the services of Stayclass is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Stayclass expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

Dispute Resolution

Stayclass is not responsible for mediating disputes between users. Any disputes arising from transactions initiated via Stayclass must be resolved independently by the parties involved.

Changes to Terms

Stayclass reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes via the Stayclass website or through email.


Users agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Stayclass and its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, and licensors from and against any claims, charges, or disputes arising out of their use of the Stayclass platform.

Legal jurisdiction

Rutland County, Vermont shall be the venue of any legal dispute, and the law of the State of Vermont shall apply to any legal dispute.


If you have any questions about this document or other aspects of this website,you may contact us at: info@stayclass.com